Hello Jurgen we have moved to the opened ground near Siddhi smriti Hospital since last two days. Now the vibration is not so dangerous but still we heard the news of the possibility of the vibration, so we are staying outside our house. So probably we are going back to our house by tomorrow.. We are getting water to drink so everything is fine with us.
During the first vibration Rupesh & I were with Bijay
and his parents, to buy his school book in the bookshop. So Bijay and his parents are also safe. And our foundation board members and children and their parents are also safe in their respective place.
Please don’t take much worry about us, we will survive this disaster for sure.
Thanks for all your support in our hard time, we are very grateful to you. The Internet connection, electricity and telephone service all are out of service. Everything has stopped so it is little bit difficult to get in contact with you. Sorry for inconvenience to get in contact with you. Ramesh